Why You Need To Find a New Mom in Order to Keep Your Passwords Secure
Sometimes hackers gain more than just your email and password information. They get your mom's name. When 1,000,000,000 Yahoo accounts were hacked, the company's list of breached data weren't just the usual passwords and email addresses, but also the security questions and answers. Your secret and personal information was exposed like your mother's maiden name or the street you grew up on.
Corporate Hacks Can Get Personal And Sometimes humiliating
With more than 3,000,000,000 user credentials and passwords stolen in 2016, there is a very good chance your account information has been compromised. To check, you can use a site like haveibeenpwned.com to see whether your email and password are in any of the released data dumps.

Why Password Are Failing Us
Passwords have been failing us since the beginning of time. In the tale Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves, the poor woodcutter, Ali Baba, overhears the famous password, Open Sesame, and gains access to a treasure. Not much has changed today. Hackers have invented hundreds of ways to obtain your password to access their own treasures. According to Verizon’s 2017 Breach Investigations Report, 63% of all confirmed data breaches last year involved leveraging weak, stolen or default passwords. Yet, passwords remain one of the most widely used security controls to protect our personal and company data.
How to Toughen Up Your Password Security
There is no one thing that will make your password secure. The best you can do is implement a number of best practices and new tools to make your passwords really hard to crack. From a business perspective, every company must implement a multi-layered security approach. Here is a three-step layering framework that includes authentication and encryption to secure your passwords: Layer 1: Create Stronger Passwords: The longer the password, the harder it is for a hacker to break. Make passwords at least eight characters long, use a mixture of letters, numbers, capitals and special characters and change every month or three. Omit duplicates by using a unique password for each of your accounts. You can use this site to test your password. Layer 2: Two-factor authentication for all accounts. Security professionals recommend using multiple authentication factors: “something you know”, like your password, and “something you have”, like an authenticator app on your phone. It is said that 80% of breaches could have been avoided had the businesses used 2FA.