Stop Bot Signups: Secure Your Funnel and Sales Team

Bot signups are becoming more frequent and more sophisticated. Stop bots muddying your funnel data and wasting salespeople’s time! Use… Continue Reading

Why are your Ad-spend $$$ not bringing New Paying Customers?

As the CEO of your SaaS startup, you expected a sharp uptick in revenue post launching your Google or Facebook… Continue Reading

OTP/SMS Flood Attack
(Budget Exhaustion Attack)

Protect your 2FA budget against SMS flooding attacks Overview We work with phone numbers. We send one-time PINs (OTP) through… Continue Reading

2FA Blame Game: Are Other 2FAs More Secure Than SMS/Voice OTP 2FA?

Recent news headlines have made security-conscious companies increasingly wary of providing two-factor authentication (2FA) via SMS/voice. Yet while SMS/voice 2FA… Continue Reading

Instagram Security Update: The Right Balance of 2FA Security In Multi-stakeholder Business

Popular image-based social media site Instagram recently announced several security upgrades including compatibility with third-party authentication services that allows for… Continue Reading

The Blacklist – Stopping Bots and Fraud From Costing You Money

Last week, we posted an article on our research into companies with two-factor authentication (2FA) processes that are often bypassed using… Continue Reading


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