Working with customers around the globe, we always come across new use cases and improve the product accordingly. Last month, we had the privilege to work with a very generous user. What we achieved? We added two new language translations of our widget interface. Here's the story:
Co-creating RingCaptcha with our User
A user signed up for our 50-SMS free trial and was very happy with our product. He said, “This solution works great for me.”. But he had one specific requirement - they have a multilingual website and wanted the widget in three different languages - English, Russian, and Ukrainian.
For context, the RingCaptcha widget automatically detects the language and shows the widget in the current language of a website. Previously, it was capable of translating into 19 languages, namely,
Arabic (AR)
Bulgarian (BG)
German (DE)
English (EN)
Spanish (ES)
Persian (FA)
Finnish (FI)
French (FR)
Greek (GR)
Italian (IT)
Japanese (JA)
Dutch (NL)
Portuguese (PT)
Russian (RU)
Serbian (SR)
Swedish (SV)
Turkish (TR)
Vietnamese (VN)
Chinese (ZH)
Note: This number is different from the 300+ languages (basically, any) you can send SMS using RingCaptcha.
Ukrainian Translation
As you can see, we already allow our customers to have the widget in English and Russian, but not Ukrainian. So, the user made a feature request. He asked us if the widget could be translated into Ukrainian as well. Unfortunately, no one on our team spoke Ukrainian.
We proposed that if they help us translate a few strings, we could add the language! And… they agreed!
So we shared the list of phrases in English and their Ukrainian translations from Google Translate in a Google Sheet with them. They reviewed the Google translations and got back to us with the corrections the same day, and we added Ukrainian immediately. Quick and efficient, wasn’t it? Win-win for all. They got a good product in all three languages they needed, and we now had 20 languages into which the widget could be translated to.
We love such opportunities when an initial challenge improves our product. We took this opportunity to add one more. Because, why not?
Romanian Translation
We had the widget translated into Romanian previously by a different customer of ours. We took this opportunity to add Romanian as well during the same widget update. We made a few corrections to the existing translation and merged it into the master branch. Voila, the score’s 21! New locales “ua” and “ro” are available now.

How to add the widget in the language of your choice?
Now that you know RingCaptcha is available in 21 languages, how do you set it up in your preferred language? You don’t. RingCaptcha automatically detects the language of your website and translates the widget interface into one of the 21 supported translations.
By the way, you can also set the widget in a specific language instead of letting it detect and adjust. You can do it using the following code (for English):
<div data-widget data-app="YOUR_APP_KEY" data-locale="en"></div>
If you want your widget translated into a new language or have any other feature requests, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at We’ll work it out together. Cheers!
Update: Another generous customer helped us add Polish (PL) language. The widget is now translatable to 22 languages!