Don’t Try This at Home — Leave SMS to the Experts

Things that look really simple from afar can turn out to be quite complex when you get up close — especially… Continue Reading

Phone Numbers Are the New User ID

Phone numbers are the fastest, personal and most intuitive identity to use in the mobile era. While you might still… Continue Reading

Open Sourcing the JavaScript Widget

At RingCaptcha, we believe in a few things very strongly:  1. Phone numbers are the strongest identity signal. 2.Chuck Norris jokes still… Continue Reading

Leveraging RingCaptcha for SMS User Authentication with Layer

The phone number is shared across an intimate spectrum of friends, colleagues and family — the uniqueness and longevity of… Continue Reading

The Most Common Issues You’ll Encounter When Trying to Implement SMS Verification In-House

These days, it is becoming very common to see new trendy apps implementing SMS verification in the app store arena. Continue Reading


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