Can Text Messages End Poverty in Africa?
Most people living in industrialized nations associate text messaging with some kind of social activity. But in parts of Africa, texting… Continue Reading
The FBI’s Most Wanted Hackers Are All Still at It
While the U.S. appears to have made headway on the largest legal case against some of the most wanted hackers, nothing resembling… Continue Reading
The Text Message You Can’t Afford to Miss
The more choices consumers have in app stores, the harder companies have to work to get noticed — with one important exception: prompting users… Continue Reading
Don’t Let a Bad Apple Spoil Your Bunch (in Marketplaces and Communities)
The growth of the sharing economy has practically blurred the line between marketplaces and communities. For start-ups, and especially those… Continue Reading
CIA Hacking Secrets Revealed on WikiLeaks
WikiLeaks just published its largest ever trove of confidential documents from the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, describing the agency’s hacking… Continue Reading
How Will 5G Mobile Internet Affect SMS Messaging and Security?
Since mobile phones first debuted in 1992, a new generation of technology has emerged on average about every decade. The… Continue Reading
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