Stop Bot Signups: Secure Your Funnel and Sales Team

Bot signups are becoming more frequent and more sophisticated. Stop bots muddying your funnel data and wasting salespeople’s time! Use… Continue Reading

Best Practice Spam Protection

Best Practice Spam Protection- A case study DreamFactory is a SaaS API management platform that runs RingCaptcha as part of… Continue Reading

How to Reduce False Leads: A Case Study With UXPin

Most companies try to eliminate friction from their funnel. UXPin, a no-code SaaS tool, instead decided to add friction in… Continue Reading

RingCaptcha’s East/West Coast Drink-up

A bunch of RingCaptcha employees will be out and about this month, looking to meet up with customers to chat… Continue Reading

Case Study: Phone Verification Helps Salina Cosmetics Cuts E-Commerce Product Returns By 8 Percent

Salina Cosmetics is an online beauty shop, founded by Zamin Zaidi on May 19, 2011, and based in Pakistan. They… Continue Reading

What A Great Day At TechDay LA!

Our team had a great time at TechDay this year, and we’d like to share our experience with you! Located… Continue Reading


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